Cochlea is an early-stage, RESTful API that allows users to annotate audio files on the internet.
Segments or time intervals can be annotated with text tags or other arbitrary data. This may not sound very exciting on its own, but I believe that these simple primitives make possible incredibly diverse applications tailored to the needs of electronic musicians, sound designers and other folks interested in playing with sound.

Before starting to dream aloud about the endless possibilities, a little about how I arrived here…

False Starts

I’m interested in building tools that allow musicians, sound designers and machine learning researchers to explore libraries of audio samples in new and intuitive ways that go far beyond traditional tag-based text searches. Text can be a great starting point, but indexes based on perceptual audio similarity or other features such as pitch or timbre offer much more exciting possibilities.
Whereas text-based approaches require painstaking manual tagging of vast quantities of audio, indexes that organize sound based on features derived directly from audio samples make it feasible to imagine the entire internet as your sample library!

With this ideal in mind, I’ve started and discarded several audio similarity search applications due to overly-rigid approaches. I’ve often settled on a single feature or similarity metric I think will work well and based the entire application around it. Inevitably, the search works well in some contexts and not so well in others. In addition, I’ve failed time and again to make indexing new sounds painless and I’ve eschewed more basic but necessary features, like allowing users to tag audio and search across those tags.

The common theme in all these ventures has been a lack of flexibility due to assumptions I’ve baked in much too early in the process. The RESTful API I introduced above is one possible answer to this problem, providing a simple platform on which all sorts of diverse applications might be built.

Now, to dig into the details…

API Resources

The experimental Cochlea API consists of just three simple resources:



sound resources are really just pointers to audio that’s hosted somewhere out there on the internet. While it’s not totally necessary, ideally the servers hosting the audio content will conform to a basic interface:

  • The servers should support byte-range requests, making partial downloads of the files possible
  • The servers should allow for cross-origin requests by setting appropriate CORS headers, making it possible for front-end applications to request the audio and play it using the Web Audio API

It’s also worth noting that sound identifiers are ordered according to the time they were created, which will come in handy when we discuss featurebot and aggregator users in a bit.



annotations describe all or part of a sound using text tags or any other arbitrary piece of data. The Cochlea API natively supports the creation and storage of text tags, but other arbitrary data describing sound segments can be hosted elsewhere. We might create annotations tagging a segment of audio as containing female speech or create an annotation that highlights an interesting segment of a longer audio sequence. We might also compute dense numerical features from the raw audio samples (such as short-time Fourier transform data, chroma, or MFCC data) and store them as NumPy arrays in an S3 bucket.

Just as servers hosting audio data should conform to a particular interface, servers hosting dense features or other arbitrary annotation data should ideally support byte-range and CORS requests.

Like sound identifiers, annotation identifiers are ordered according to the time they were created, which will again come into play when we discuss featurebot and aggregator users a little later.


The third and final resource type we’ll discuss is the user type. There are a few different types to cover, and I think that this is where the platform really starts to get interesting.


Humans are the first and most obvious user type. These users can read sound and annotation resources and can create annotation resources of their own, usually using textual tags added using some graphical user interface.

Creating an Annotation


dataset users represent some sound collection or repository on the internet.
Some examples might include well-known audio datasets used by the machine learning community, such as NSynth or MusicNet.
Since these datasets often include structured data about their audio files, dataset users will generally create both sounds and annotations. For example, the MusicNet dataset includes detailed information about each note played in each piece, include onset time, duration, instrument and pitch.
The NSynth dataset tags each note with certain characteristics such as acoustic, percussive or electronic.



featurebot users listen to some or all sound or annotation resources, optionally filtering by the user that created the resource, and compute features, such as onset times, chroma or MFCC features and create pointers to the computed/derived data using new annotation resources. A few example applications might include:

  • a bot that computes onset times using librosa’s onset detection functionality
  • a bot that computes short-time Fourier transform data for each sound
  • a bot that listens for annotations from the short-time Fourier transform bot and computes chroma or MFCC data, thus beginning to form a distributed computation graph that transforms the raw audio

Since sounds and annotations have identifiers ordered according to the time they were created, bots need only remember the last id they processed and poll against sound or annotation resources to continually compute new features for incoming resources.


Hyperplane Tree

aggregator users are similar to featurebot users in that they listen to a stream of some or all sound or annotation resources, but these users only have read access and generally create alternative indexes over resources, making them searchable in novel ways. A few example applications might include:

  • a bot that listens for any annotation with a tag and creates a more full-featured text search including fuzzy matching or using sound/music-related word embeddings for high-quality semantic searches
  • a bot that computes low-dimensional embeddings (using a technique similar to one I covered in an earlier post) from audio or other derived features, making visual exploration possible in a user interface

These indexes might be published via a private or public REST API, allowing their consumers to navigate some or all of the audio available via the Cochlea API in interesting ways.

An Example User Interface

User Interface

An early, alpha-stage user interface built atop the Cochlea API and the concepts outlined above can be found here. All the code for the example app can be found in the Github repo. It pulls together data contributed by several user, featurebot and aggregator users into an interface for sound discovery. The users leveraged include:

  • dataset users that contribute sounds from several datasets, including NSynth and MusicNet
  • featurebot users that compute alternate visualizations of audio, including short-time fourier transforms, chroma and MFCC features.
  • an aggregator user that embeds short segments of audio onto a three-dimensional sphere based on perceptual similarity, allowing users to navigate sound “space” using a Google Maps-like interface.

The user interface is a single-page Vue.js application hosted using Amazon S3 and Cloudfront. It communicates with the Cochlea API as well as the search API hosted by the aggregator user.

The API and web app are invite-only (for now), but please reach out if you’re interested in giving them a spin (in exchange for some feedback, of course)!