I’m late to the party, but I’ve been learning about Docker recently, specifically because I need a quick and easy way to deploy interactive examples for this blog. In a previous post, we built an interactive, timbre-based similarity search that you could play with in your browser.

Docker Compose

I followed this great example, and ended up with a nice little repository with everything needed to deploy the timbre-based similarity search to a rackspace server. Most of the magic is in the docker-compose.yaml file, which describes the images and containers we’ll need to run the service, as well as how they’ll communicate with one another:

version: '2'

    build: ./zounds
    image: zounds

    build: ./timbre
      - zounds
      - "8888"

    build: ./nginx
      - timbre
      - timbre:timbre
      - "80:80"

First, we’ll build a base image that installs zounds. Then, we’ll build an image that will download a zip file containing the audio we’d like to index, process it, and start up a tornado web server. Finally, we’ll build an nginx image, and an nginx container that knows how to communicate with our tornado server.

Docker Machine

The deploy.sh will provision a rackspace VM using docker-machine’s rackspace driver, and then use docker-compose to build the images from the docker-compose.yaml file, and start up the containers for the tornado and nginx web servers. Before you run it, you’ll need to export a few environment variables:


The deploy.sh script looks like this:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

echo "creating machine"
docker-machine create --driver rackspace --rackspace-flavor-id general1-2 timbre
echo docker-machine ip timbre

echo "securing machine"
docker-machine ssh timbre "apt-get update"
docker-machine ssh timbre "apt-get -y install fail2ban"
docker-machine ssh timbre "ufw default deny"
docker-machine ssh timbre "ufw allow ssh"
docker-machine ssh timbre "ufw allow http"
docker-machine ssh timbre "ufw allow 2376" # Docker
docker-machine ssh timbre "ufw --force enable"

eval "$(docker-machine env timbre)"
echo "building"
docker-compose build
echo "starting up"
docker-compose up -d

This toy example stores all of the data inside the timbre container, which isn’t what you’d normally want to do, because you’d lose that data any time you rebuilt the container, but I wanted to start with something really simple.